does it serve your client

Tribes: interview Next Level Mindset

While vlogging, she walks in: power woman Sandhya Santoe knows where her target group is and does everything to reach them. The owner of the coaching company Next Level Mindset, specialized in business coaching & strategic consultancy, has a large online presence, and regularly posts a blog, vlog or offers an online master class, but now has some time to talk to us about her company.

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Sandhya Santoe

Voor focus & groei van perfectionistische leidersI Bedrijfskundige I Leiderschapscoach I Owner Suits & Soul I Keynote Spreker I Breinbabbels Podcast I
who is behind the suit traject
Sandhya Santoe

Voor extreem goed leiderschap & schaalbare groei I Bedrijfskundige I Leiderschapscoach I Owner Next Level Mindset & Suits & Soul I Podcast Breinbabbels I Keynote Spreker

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